फ्रीलांसिंग के साथ किस्मत बनाएं

एक फ्रीलांसर के रूप में अपना ग्रोथ तेजी से ट्रैक करें… अभी!

क्या इन चुनौतियों की वजह से आपका ग्रोथ स्लो हो रहा है?

  • उच्च भुगतान करने वाले ग्राहकों का एक पोर्टफोलियो बनाने के लिए संघर्ष
  • सोशल मीडिया पर व्यक्तिगत ब्रांडिंग
  • अपने काम के लिए उच्च कीमत की मांग करें
  • अकेले काम करना
  • उत्पादकता उच्च रखना
  • मल्टीटास्क करने में सक्षम नहीं होना
  • सख्त समय सीमा बैठक
  • अपने वित्त की योजना बनाना
  • ग्राहकों से देर से भुगतान
यदि आपको उत्तर 'हां' है तो फ्री काउंसलिंग के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

आप यह करना चाहते हैं

गुणवत्ता और लागत में सुधार
बूस्ट वॉल्यूम
ग्राहक संतुष्टि बढ़ाएं

अपनी सफलता को तेजी से बढ़ाएं!

अभी संपर्क करें!

आप क्या सीखेंगे

उच्च भुगतान वाले ग्राहक प्राप्त करना

अपने फ्रीलांस व्यवसाय को स्थापित करने के लिए कौशल

अपना संपूर्ण ऑनलाइन फ्रीलांसर प्रोफाइल डिजाइन करना

एक विक्रेता नेटवर्क का निर्माण

फ्रीलांस अनुबंध कैसे डिजाइन करें

शुष्क कार्य मंत्रों को कैसे संभालें

अपना मूल्य प्रस्ताव प्रदर्शित करना

कीमत निर्धारण कार्यनीति

मांग में फ्रीलांस पेशों की सूची

सोलो से एंटरप्रेन्योर तक - रोडमैप टू स्केल

कम लागत वाली डिजिटल मार्केटिंग

बिजनेस नेटवर्किंग

आप क्या पाएंगे?


  • से ज्यादा कोर्स


  • से ज्यादा वीडियो लाइब्रेरी


  • ज्यादा रीडिंग मटेरियल और असेसमेंट्स


  • घंटे कंटेंट के

    बड़ा बिजनेस

  • कम्युनिटी का एक्सेस

35 पाठ्यक्रमों की सूची

Zero Dollar Marketing

Course Topics

  • Zero Dollar Marketing Introduction
  • कैसे बढ़ेगी Website से Business Enquiries?
  • बदलते Consumer की समझ बढ़ाएगी Business (Part 1)
  • बदलते Consumer की समझ बढ़ाएगी Business (Part 2)
  • कैसे घटेगी Paid Customer बनाने की Cost?
  • सही Customer की पहचान कैसे बढ़ाएगी Leads और बचाएगी पैसा ?
  • क्या आपके Business की Website फायदेमंद है?
  • कैसे बढ़ेगी Google पर आपके Business की Visibility?
  • कैसे बनेगा Customer आपके Business का प्रचारक?
  • कम खर्चे में कैसे पाएं ज़्यादा Customers?
Passive Income

Course Topics

  • Introduction- How to Earn Passive Income
  • Active Vs Passive Income
  • Benefits of Passive Income
  • Generate Passive Income from Wealth
  • Passive Income through Gold Investment
  • Passive Income through Interest
  • Passive Income through Real Estate
  • Passive Income through Stock Market
  • Passive Income through Advanced Investing Strategies
  • Asset Allocation for Right Returns
Stock Market

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Equity
  • Stocks Vs FD
  • When to Enter the Stock Market?
  • Share Market and Financial Market
  • Investment in Stocks
  • Online Trading
  • Stock Future
  • How to Enter the Stock Market?
  • Stock Options & Derivatives
How to be a Video Influencer?

Course Topics

  • How to be a Video Influencer- Introduction
  • How to Name Your Channel for Instant Recall?
  • How to Create Engaging and Creative Videos?
  • Why to become a Video Influencer- Know Your Purpose
  • How to Face Camera Confidently?
  • Editing Techniques to Create Catchy Videos
  • How to Make Your Videos Viral?
  • How to Enhance Sound Quality in Your Videos?
  • Thumbnail, Description and Keyword Strategy
  • Content is King for Video Influencers
WhatsApp Marketing

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • WhatsApp Marketing - Need, Goals, and Objectives
  • Features of WhatsApp Business - Part 1
  • Features of WhatsApp Business - Part 2
  • Marketing Automation through WhatsApp - Part 1
  • Marketing Automation through WhatsApp - Part 2
  • Marketing Automation Apps
  • WhatsApp Automation Set-Up
  • How to Send Templates through WhatsApp Gateway?
  • Scheduling WhatsApp Messages through Google Sheets
Time Management

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Time Management
  • Importance of Time Management
  • Avoiding Time Wasters
  • ABC of Delegation
  • Prioritisation using Eisenhower Matrix
  • How to Maintain an Activity Log?
  • How to Use 1+1+1 System for Saving Time?
  • 1-3-5 Rule for Time Management
  • Pareto Principle for Time Management
  • Parkinson's Law
Gmail Basics

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Gmail Basics
  • How a Create a Gmail Account?
  • E-mail Formatting Techniques
  • Gmail Advanced Search Parameters
  • How to Follow-up E-mails?
  • Gmail Shortcuts and Templates
  • Automatic Translation in Gmail
  • Voice Typing and Mail Tracking in Gmail
  • How to Organise Folders?
  • Creating Priority Inbox in Gmail
Goal-Based Financial Planning

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • What is Goal-based Financial Planning?
  • How to Manage Risk?
  • Portfolio Planning Approach
  • How to Make an Equity based Portfolio?
  • Financial Planning Through Mutual Funds
  • How to Plan Short-Term Financial Goals?
  • How to Plan Medium-Term Financial Goals?
  • How to Plan Long-Term Financial Goals?
  • Retirement Planning
Negotiation Skills

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Negotiation Skills
  • How to Crack a Deal?
  • Understanding the Negotiation Process
  • Building Rapport with Tactical Empathy
  • Techniques of Bargaining
  • How to Reach Negotiation Closure?
  • Winning a Negotiation by Flinch Technique
  • When to Use High-Ball/Low-Ball Technique?
  • Good Cop-Bad Cop Negotiation Technique
  • How to Use Nibble Technique?
Learning Excel

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Learning Excel
  • Creating & Navigating through a Worksheet
  • How to Format Data in Excel Worksheet?
  • How to Customize and View a Worksheet?
  • How to Insert and Format Data in Excel Worksheet?
  • Configure Worksheets to Save & Print
  • Conditional Formatting & Group Cells & Ranges
  • Creating & Modifying Tables
  • Different Formulas & Functions in Excel
  • AVERAGEIF & COUNTIF Functions in Excel
Designing Creative PowerPoint Presentations

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Creating a Presentation & Master Slide
  • Customize Presentation Options- View, Print & Save
  • Configure & Present Slideshows
  • Inserting & Formatting Slides and Shapes
  • How to Record & Upload PPTs on YouTube?
  • Creating Slide Content- Inserting Text, Tables & Charts
  • Insert & Format SmartArt, Images and Videos
  • Applying Transitions & Animations
  • How to Manage, Merge and View Multiple PPTs?
Email Marketing

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Email Marketing
  • Types of Marketing Emails
  • Process of Email Marketing.
  • Building an Email List of Targeted Customers
  • Use of Lead Magnets to Get More Subscribers
  • How to Segment Your Customer Mailing List?
  • How to Increase E-mail Open Rate?
  • Designing Creative Emails Using Canva
  • Email Automation Using Mailchimp - Part 1
  • Email Automation Using Mailchimp - Part 2
Instagram Marketing

Course Topics

  • Introduction to Instagram Marketing
  • Importance of Instagram Marketing for Brands
  • How to Create and Optimise Instagram Business Profile?
  • Multiple Instagram Accounts - Need & Importance
  • How to Analyse Competition on Instagram?
  • How to Reach the Target Audience?
  • Content Strategy for Instagram Marketing
  • Different Types of Instagram Posts
  • How to Take Good Photos for Instagram?
  • Hacking Instagram Algorithm
Google Drive

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Basic Settings - Homepage Layout
  • Managing Folders
  • Sharing Folders
  • Sharing Files
  • File Management
  • How to Search Files/Folders in Google Drive?
  • Advanced Features of Google Drive
  • Priority Label
  • Time Based Access in Google Drive
How to Conduct Successful Webinars?

Course Topics

  • Calculating Webinar Business Equation
  • Market Positioning of Webinar
  • How to Market Your Webinar?
  • Identifying Customer Pain Points
  • Creating Webinar Presentation
  • Creating Webinar Checklist
  • Introduction
  • Types of Webinar & their Benefits
  • Making an Offer in Webinar
  • Webinar Automation System
All About Mutual Funds

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Direct Vs Regular Plans
  • Categories of Mutual Funds
  • Mutual Fund Investments - Mistakes to Avoid
  • Types of Hybrid Funds
  • Mutual Funds - Meaning and Benefits
  • Growth Vs Dividend Options
  • Taxation in Mutual Funds
  • Facilities Offered by Mutual Funds
  • Who Can Invest in Mutual Fund?
How to Write Effective Emails?

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Basics of Email Writing
  • Grammar, Punctuation and Spell Check
  • Email Writing - Technical Aspects
  • Opening & Closing of an Email
  • Content of an Email
  • Request Emails
  • Follow-Up Emails
  • Complaint Emails
  • Email Communication With Suppliers
Google Sheet Basics

Course Topics

  • Google Sheets - Basic Settings
  • Formulas Under View Settings
  • Data Settings - Pivot Table
  • Collaboration in Sheets - Emails from Inside Sheets
  • GS 7
  • Edit Settings - Paste Special
  • Formulas Under Insert Settings
  • Data Settings - Split Text and Removing Duplicates
  • Collaboration in Sheets - Version History
  • Edit Settings - Find, Replace, Insert & Delete

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Types of Solopreneurs
  • Skills to be a Solopreneur
  • 50+ Freelance Professions
  • Starting as a Solopreneur
  • Solopreneur - Office Setup
  • How to Build a Client Portfolio?
  • Tools to Increase Productivity
  • Perfect Online Freelancer Profile
  • Pricing & Negotiation Strategy
Generating Leads Through Blogging

Course Topics

  • Blogs - Meaning and Importance
  • Benefits of Blogs for Different Businesses
  • How to Build a Blog from Scratch?
  • How to Generate Clickable Headlines?
  • Promoting Your Business Locally through Blogs
  • Introduction
  • How to Get Audience for Your Blog?
  • Booking Appointments Through Blogs
  • Writing Blog Posts in less than 30 minutes Everyday
  • Optimizing Blogs to Get More Traffic & Leads
Advance Excel

Course Topics

  • How to Use Sparklines?
  • IF Function and its Usage
  • VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP Function
  • Data Validation and Indirect Function
  • Excel - Offset Function
  • Index Match
  • WHAT IF Analysis Function
  • Advance Sorting
  • Advanced Filters
  • Usage of Pivot Table
Google Calendar

Course Topics

  • How to Use Time Zones and Import & Export Feature?
  • Introduction
  • Creating Multiple Calendars Using Single Gmail Account
  • Sending Event Invites through Google Calendar
  • Calendar View Options
  • How to Get Regular Reminders?
  • Google Calendar Interface & Basic Settings
  • Setting Event Reminders
  • How to Plan Your Day Using Google Calendar?
Google Forms

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Google Forms - Interface & Basic Settings
  • Variable Answer Type Questions & their Validation
  • Types of Questions - Choice Type and File Upload
  • Types of Questions - Rating and Date/Time
  • How to Add Videos and Images in Google Forms?
  • How to Add Sections and Customise Themes?
  • How to Send Google Forms to Users?
  • How to Analyse Responses in Google Forms?
  • How to Set Up Auto-Responses in Google Forms?
Book Writing and Publishing

Course Topics

  • 3 Tips to Create Bold Book Cover
  • Editing of a Book
  • Book Publishing Models
  • How to Become an Amazon Bestseller?
  • Structure of a Non-Fiction Book
  • How to Set Up your KDP Account?
  • How to Format Your Manuscript?
  • How to Launch Your Book?
  • Structure of a Fiction Book
  • Royalty and Contracts
The Stock Market Mantra - Technical Analysis Simplified

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Types of Markets and Instruments
  • Types of Trading
  • Types of Charts
  • Fundamental Vs. Technical Analysis
  • Support and Resistance Trading
  • Oscillators and Indicators
  • Different Types of Exit Strategies
  • Wealth Creation Strategy
  • GFS Strategy
Personal Branding

Course Topics

  • Benefits of personal branding
  • Corporate Branding Vs Personal Branding
  • Understanding Your Target Audience
  • Personal Branding - Online Strategies
  • Introduction
  • DIY vs Hiring an Agency
  • Summary - Rules for Social Success
  • Personal Branding - Offline Strategies
  • How to Build Your Niche?
  • How to Build Your Personal Brand Statement?
Google Ads - Marketing

Course Topics

  • How to Create a Google Ads Account?
  • Google Ads for Map, Gmail and GMB
  • Google Ads Dashboard - Tools and Settings
  • Google Ad Campaigns - Do's and Dont's
  • How to Create Display Campaigns in Google Ads?
  • How to Create Search Campaign for YouTube?
  • Introduction
  • Google Ads for Business
  • Google Search Ad Campaign - Concept
  • Google Ads - Terms & Abbreviations
Facebook For Business

Course Topics

  • How to Create a Lead Generation Campaign?
  • Facebook Pixels
  • Facebook Business Manager
  • Summary
  • How to create a Facebook shop?
  • Introduction
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • How to Create an Ad Campaign on Facebook?
  • How to Target Your Customers?
  • Creating Your First Ad Copy
Twitter for Business

Course Topics

  • Infographics for Viral Posts
  • Twitter Ads
  • Twitter Marketing
  • Basics of Twitter
  • Monetisation of Twitter Account
  • How to Make Your Post Viral on Twitter?
  • How to Become a Twitter Influencer?
  • Retweet- Meaning and Usage
  • Introduction
  • Summary
LinkedIn Marketing

Course Topics

  • Creating High-Quality Articles for LinkedIn
  • Writing High-Quality Text Posts for LinkedIn
  • How to Increase Engagement by 10x?
  • Tools for Content Scheduling
  • LinkedIn Connections & Search Bar
  • How to Send Connection Requests?
  • How to Increase your Likes/Share/ Views & Comments?
  • Hashtag Strategy in LinkedIn
  • Introduction
  • Strategy to Send Direct Messages
Designing Your Own Website

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Types of Websites
  • Concept of MVP Website
  • How to Develop an MVP Website?
  • Important Factors in Building a Website
  • Building Website Using WordPress Existing Themes
  • Building Website Using Wix Existing Themes
  • Summary

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • How to Start a Dropshipping Business?
  • How to Create an Online Store?
  • Designing Website for Dropshipping
  • Adding & Customising Products
  • Product Research for Dropshipping Business
  • Generating Sales in Dropshipping
  • How to Advertise on Facebook for Dropshipping?
  • Targeting Customers through Product Ads
  • Summary
Business Networking

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Benefits of Business Networking
  • How to Grow Your Network?
  • How to Make a Lasting First Impression on People?
  • How to Build Long-Term Networks?
  • 5 Biggest Networking Mistakes
  • Tips to Become a Successful Networker
Sales Growth Maximiser

Course Topics

  • Sales Growth Maximiser
Strategy & Execution Signifier

Course Topics

  • Strategy & Execution Signifier
Retail Management Multiplier

Course Topics

  • Retail Management Multiplier
Leadership Lessons Enhancer

Course Topics

  • Leadership Lessons Enhancer
Low-Cost Marketing Amplifier

Course Topics

  • Low-Cost Marketing Amplifier
Peak Performance & Productivity Magnifier

Course Topics

  • Peak Performance & Productivity Magnifier
How to Start a Startup Booster

Course Topics

  • How to Start a Startup Booster?
Business Operations Accelerator

Course Topics

  • Business Operations Accelerator
Affiliate Marketing

Course Topics

  • Introduction
  • Summary- Best Practices
  • ClickBank - Online Affiliate Platform
  • Affiliate Marketing Networks
  • 7 Mistakes to Avoid in Affiliate Marketing
  • Using Influencers & Brand Ambassadors as Affiliates
  • Using Affiliate Marketing for Business
  • How to Choose Your Niche?
  • Affiliate Marketing Boosters
  • Setting up a Website for your Affiliate Business
Goal Setting

Course Topics

  • 7 Life Areas of Goal Setting
  • Theme and Time Technique
  • Golden Circle & Goal Pyramid Technique
  • Locke and Latham’s 5 Principles
  • 7 Steps of Goal Setting Process
  • Introduction
  • Goal Setting Frameworks - SMART and BHAG
  • Backward and Forward Technique
  • OGSM Framework in Goal Setting
  • Summary
Microsoft Word

Course Topics

  • Working with Shapes & Smart Art
  • How to Add Charts?
  • Using Add Ins and Links
  • Introduction
  • Headers, Footers & Embedding Objects
  • MS Word - Themes and Watermark
  • Using References in MS Word
  • How to Review Word Documents?
  • Basics of Microsoft Word
  • Create CV, Reports and Mailing List

सर्टिफिकेट पाएं


पूर्णता का प्रमाण पत्र

आपके कोर्स के समर्थन में डॉ विवेक बिंद्रा द्वारा हस्ताक्षरित प्रमाण पत्र

आसानी से साझा करने योग्य

अपने सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर करें
इसे अपनी वेबसाइट और वॉट्सएप स्टेटस पर डालें
अपने रिज्यूमे और बायो में उल्लेख करें

विश्वसनीयता बनाएं

अपने प्रोफेशनल सर्किल में अपनी विश्वसनीयता बढ़ाएं

अरबपति सलाहकारों से सीखें

पहली बार, अपने निजी अनुभवों से इंडस्ट्री के टॉप लीडर्स आपको सिखाएंगे

Dr Vivek Bindra

Founder & CEO
Bada Business

Sanjeev Kapoor

Indian Celebrity, Chef and Co-Founder

Sunil Kanoria

Co-founder and Vice Chairman
Srei Infrastructure Finance Ltd

Boman Irani


Rajkummar Rao


15+ वर्षों के अनुभव वाले विषय विशेषज्ञ

Piyush Bhatia

Founder & CEO
BM Consultants India

Abha Maryada Banerjee

Success India

Surein Saini

Founder & Chief Consultant
ETC Inc.

Sara Khan

Jot Down Ventures

Kedar Bhole

Charge Up Life

Avijit Arya

Founder and Chief
Internet Moguls

Sanjeev Jain


Arpit Arora


Chirag Sharma

Chirag Digital Private Limited

Vishal B. Malkan


Mahima Bhatia


Dinesh Verma

Founder and CEO
Gullybaba Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Ishan Manchanda


Pankaj Chhabra

DFM Institute

Tanya Malik

Streedhan Association of Women & Development

Saurabh Khaspuri

Digital Takshila and Booming Bull Academy

Sanjeev Govila (Retired Colonel)

Hum Fauji Initiatives

Ajita Saxena


Sidhant Sidana

Sid & Co.

Gaurav Wasan

Food Explorer
India Today

Karanjeet Singh

Investment Banker

Harbinder Narula

Brand Strategist

Raj Singh

Microsoft Certified Trainer

Niloy Jain

Partner & Sales Head
SID07 Designs

Ritika Bhateja

Senior Marketing Manager
Middle East Global Advisors (MEGA)

Branded Kavita,

Branding Strategist & Consultant

Amit Goyal

Senior Faculty

Dr. Naresh Batla

Brain Development Trainer

भारत की फ्रीलांस कम्युनिटी 2025 तक $20-30 बिलियन तक बढ़ने का अनुमान है

हमारे कम्युनिटी से सुनें


कार्यक्रम में नामांकित 80% लोगों ने 3 महीने में अपना लक्ष्य हासिल किया

4.9 स्टार रेटिंग

19,234 शिक्षार्थियों द्वारा

अभी हमसे बात करें और उनकी तरह ही अपना मैन्युफैक्चरिंग बिजनेस बढ़ाएं!

  अभी कॉल करें



सिर्फ 9999/- में अपनी रिटेल सेल्स बढ़ाने के लिए सही स्ट्रैटजी जानें

अभी खरीदें अभी कॉल करें